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Minnesota DNR accepting comments on environmental documents for Voyageur Country ATV System phase 2 trail expansion (published November 26, 2024)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is accepting comments through  Dec. 26 on an environmental assessment worksheet to address the second phase of a proposed ATV trail expansion in Koochiching and St. Louis counties.

The Voyageur Country ATV Club is proposing up to 125 additional miles of roadway and natural surface trail be included in the Voyageur Country ATV system, connecting communities in Koochiching and St. Louis counties. The proposed project includes 39 miles of existing route that will not see any changes, 78 miles of existing route with improvements and 8 miles of new trail.   

The existing system connects communities in northern St. Louis County on natural surface trails, shared-use natural surface or gravel roads, and paved roads. These communities include Kabetogama to the north, Ely to the east, Orr to the west, and Cook to the south. The proposed project would connect the existing system with communities in Koochiching County, including the city of International Falls, the city of Littlefork, and the unorganized territories of East Koochiching, Rainy Lake, and Northwest St. Louis County.

Phase 1 of the VCATV Trail Improvement Project underwent environmental review in 2021. Like the current proposed project, Phase 1 also involved improving, connecting and constructing new trail along various trail segments across a large area of northern Minnesota.

A copy of the EAW is available on the DNR website. A printed copy can be requested by calling 651-259-5694.

The EAW is also available for public review at:

  • DNR Library, 500 Lafayette Road N, St. Paul, MN 55155
  • DNR Region 2 Headquarters, 1201 East Highway 2, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
  • Hennepin County – Minneapolis Central Library, Government Documents, second floor, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1992
  • Duluth Public Library, 520 West Superior Street, Duluth, MN 55802
  • International Falls Public Library, 750 4th Street, International Falls, MN 56649

The EAW notice was published in the Nov. 26 EQB Monitor, a publication of the Environmental Quality Board.

Comments on the EAW must be submitted no later than 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 26.

  • Email comments should be sent to [email protected] with “Voyageur ATV Phase 2 Project” in the subject line.
  • Mail comments should be sent to the attention of Kathy Metzker, EAW project manager, Environmental Policy and Review Unit, DNR Ecological and Water Resources Division, 500 Lafayette Road N, St. Paul, MN 55155‐4025.

Anyone providing a mailing address or submitting comments via email will receive a copy of the decision document, which includes responses to comments. Because all comments and related information are part of the public record for this environmental review, commenters’ names and email or postal addresses will be published and publicly available as they appear in the materials they submit.

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